About Janet

Kundalini Yoga
Breast Health Through Yoga
The Healing Gong
Group and Private Classes
I’ve been practicing yoga since 1996, and Kundalini in particular since 2009. What made me become a Kundalini yoga teacher is my love and gratitude for this style of yoga.
In October 2010 I received my spiritual name – Jaikar Kaur, which means Lioness of God that is victorious anywhere in the Universe. I was in tears for days looking back at my life and all the obstacles that I overcame. Well the Universe had more in store for me. In April 2011 I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so I was given the chance to prove my spiritual name again. My Kundalini yoga practice and the Kundalini community became my anchor throughout this journey. I decided that if I can help one other person to ease the pain, shock and anger while battling cancer, I have to offer what helped me – Kundalini yoga.
On February 10, 2012, just 5 months after my last surgery I started my teachers training in Toronto with Sat Dharam Kaur – ND, and in January 2013 completed her Healthy breast course. Now I am ready to give service to anyone that would need my help and guidance. I offer group and private classes here...
Sat Nam!
Janet Pizzi
Jaikar Kaur